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A Powerful Glimpse and An Exhilarating Taste of Abundance

This is a blog written by Rupali, a student studying Classical Yoga with me at Cosmic Abundance Hub.

This 5 Days Retreat is like a gateway to the treasure of Abundance. This statement may sound very superficial but actually is true to its core. As it is said “Ask and it shall be given to You”, so does this program gives you all that you desire for, plus lots more is revealed if you are completely into it with all you heart and mind. It gives you a glimpse of what you want to achieve and also shows and teaches you the ways to achieve it.

Hearing “5 days”, what comes to our minds?? Yoga, that too only for 5 Days!!!…it won’t be of much help. We think so, because our minds are conditioned to believe that effects of yoga are only visible after following it for a considerable amount of time and also that, typical difficult postures are a must for a doing great healthwise. And WUSHH…!!!!!! , this myth is blown away the very first day. On the very first day, we go through so much of newness that it is truly refreshing to the core. The one thing that all students feel instantly, is the physical and mental relaxation which grows each day. This gradually brings clarity to minds and lays the first brick in building the belief in self and its abundant energy, through which it can create a beautiful life for us as well as others around us.

The program is not about any kind of physical exercise regime to be followed from health perspective. But, it is about the holistic growth and health of an individual, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. It is about getting connected to cosmic energies, to the energies within and to raise one’s vibrations to Health – Super Health. It is about working at the grass root level and uprooting all the disease causing weeds, so that the garden of our body and mind flourishes in its natural state.

Here we are taught, how to pause our superfast lives and give a deep thought on how and where are we going wrong and getting trapped in diseases of all kinds. Once we find them out, we are then taught ways to correct them. Everything will be different for different people, but all are timely attended to by the Guru with all his love and care. We are taught to take our own responsibilities and not depend on any outer help of any sort. We are fed with very positive and basic thoughts to embrace, which we have long lost in our fast paced lives and which are so true to our very being. It is a Life Transformational program if one connects to the soul of it. And then BOOM..!!!! soon there are so many evident changes, if we apply all that is taught with complete awareness. One is able to easily mark all physical and mental changes within a few days of practice and understand completely that Super Health is only one of the by-products of what one actually achieves.

If we talk about the course design, it has been designed in such a beautiful, simple, systematic and approachable way that every single person can learn, do and receive its multiple benefits and live a super healthy life. It does not force anything, on anyone and has a placid subtle rhythm to it. Initially, one may feel that such simple practices would do no good to him. But the strength of these simple practices soon gets revealed and then there’s that “Aww..!!” moment. We get to know and understand that Yoga is an Experiential Science, we learn and grow through those experiences. The Guru Energy guides us throughout and helps us break our physical and mental fetters of all kinds and the Group Energy helps us maintain the momentum we have gained. One more thing that is special to this program, is the recordings of the sessions which are available to us for lifetime. It is really really great to watch the recordings and get connected to that same Group energy and Guru energy all over again. It helps us in revising all the things learnt, in repeating all the learnings, making sharp impressions in our minds and in making Yoga as our way of life.

I myself have been doing Yoga for long but had never felt the kind of physical and mental changes before as those that I experienced in and after this 5 Day program. I always wanted to be completely independent in every way and the practice of Classical Yoga has built my confidence in myself and shown me the way to achieve that independence. I wish everyone to be blessed with the knowledge and learning of Classical Yoga. I would want everyone I know to join this program and realize and connect to the power within and heal themselves of all diseases and misery.

I am thankful to Rupali for sharing her deeper perspective after attending my courses in May 2020. I invite you to join my next FREE Introductory Workshop and explore the science of Classical Yoga. You will learn how you too can live a Super Healthy Lifestyle just like me and hundreds of my students.

Click here to Register: https://webinar.sumitupreti.com/

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