It’s all about ENERGY, Stupid!

“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be transferred and transformed.”

I remember studying this law of thermodynamics in my school days. But I understood its real meaning only when I started studying Classical Yoga at the Ashram. It took me over a decade to bring to practice this knowledge of cosmic science.

When we eat food,
When we speak,
When we move or walk,
When we sleep,
When we breathe,
Even when we think,
Everything is a process of Energy…

But hold on, I believed we create energy by eating, speaking, walking, breathing…

But the law says: “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be transferred and transformed.”

So what is the source of this Energy?

The answer was found in ancient texts of Yoga…

In Yogic Philosophy “Prana” is the word for Universal Cosmic Energy. It says Prana is everywhere. From the air we breathe, the food we eat, the words we speak, the actions we perform to the thoughts we create. And it is this prana that helps us stay alive in this body and mind. This world of prana becomes a living reality for us.

The ancient yogis called this prana – the vital energy force. They spent years researching and experimenting the techniques to control this prana. The science of yoga has plethora of simple yet powerful practices to utilise this comic prana for the benefit of mankind.

From preventing a disease to curing a disease, from planning a life to manifesting the goals, from developing healthy relationships to creating strong businesses, there is something for every aspect of your life in this science of Classical Yoga.

Our rishis can be called as veteran life scientists as they have given everything about anything. From the atomic description of a cell to distance between earth and sun to the science of Quantum physics modern man has just started exploring now.



The depth of yogic science goes far beyond body, mind and soul and finally merges into its very origin, nothingness.

While I was struggling to find a balance in my physical health and material life, running around without any purpose. One day while at the Ashram I realized “it’s all about Energy, Stupid”. I was literally feeling stupid not being able to use this simple law.

And since then I have been using the laws and principles of cosmic energy. It has helped me create cosmic abundance in my life creating lifelong health, wealth and prosperity for me and people I have known.

The yogis were living in abundance of joy called “anandam”. They had all the mental capabilities to manifest their reality. They had all the riches of the world as desired. This is because they practiced real Yog (union) which is different than the Yoga of modern world.

So, let’s understand Classical Yoga from perspective of ancient yogis.

Let’s learn to create a lifestyle of Cosmic Abundance Through Classical Yoga.

If you have been suffering from any kind of diseases and life challenges, your time has come to get free.

I am on a mission to help 100,000 people live a disease-free lifestyle.

I invite you to Join my next FREE Educational Webinar. Where i will be sharing the secrets of ancient yogis and answering any questions. Slots are Limited! Register Now.

See you soon!

To your abundance,
Sumit Upreti

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