Is Your Belief System Limiting You?

We are always being guided. Universe is always trying to help us evolve. Nature is always trying to cure and heal us. The question is: Are we listening? Do we understand this subtle language? Can we decode the vibrations? The modern science now validates that Everything around us is Energies. Our Universe is ever expanding. Everything […]

Logic vs Wisdom

Logical Thinking has been considered an integral Management skill which is being taught and examined extensively. Is Logic different from Wisdom? Wisdom comes from understanding age-old principles and is primarily based on personal experiences. Logical thinking may provide detailed analysis whereas wisdom encompasses the overall essence of situations. Let’s read through this intriguing story: A young man […]

The Guru Shall Come

 How am I to know? Where can I find a Guru? “There is no question of you running after a guru. The guru comes to us. Never can a disciple go to a guru. Its all drama: And then I went to the Himalayas, and there I saw the Guru sitting under a tree…” “Guru always comes […]

Life and A piece of Puzzle

    I see life as a set of pieces of a giant puzzle. A puzzle with all the pieces scattered around the globe and the Universe. Each day is an opportunity to simplify this ever-expanding puzzle. Each moment is an occasion to put the pieces together. Are all the pieces pre-designed? Are we supposed to just find […]

FIFTY Golden Years of BEING

For me, it was initially difficult to imagine FIFTY (50) years of existence of an organization. For most of us youngsters, 50 would be just a quantitative number. 5, 15, 25 or 50 doesn’t really make any qualitative difference if we do not think beyond. However, 50 years is half-a-century and I must say this […]

The Guru Within

   GURU: Gu means darkness and Ru means destroyer. Thus, GuRu is someone who is the destroyer of darkness and thus brings light into our being. Guru empowers our existence by molding us to fulfill our purpose. However, the guru can only act as a signpost, showing us the path which would be suitable for our evolution. […]

Re-igniting HOPE

  ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ??????????? ???? ?? ??? ???????????? ?????? ?We salute the supreme lord Ganesha with Curved Trunk, whose radiance is like million suns, may he bless all our endeavours and remove obstacles from our path. A heartfelt and mindful contemplation and recitation of this sacred mantra in Hindu tradition is believed to invoke the benevolent lord’s blessings. When chanted in difficult times or life-changing […]

The Game of Souls

 What is it that binds us to certain people, place or occasions? Why do accidents happen despite all precautions? Why is it that twins born to same parents, living in same house, eating same food and receiving same education are different from each other physically, mentally and socially? How can long-lived love in a relation […]

Why Yoga doesn’t work?

Over the last few years, yoga has reached many new places and people. It would not be wrong to say that the number of people doing yoga globally has now exceeded the total sum in the history of the known world. Globalization and technological advancements have revolutionized the way yoga is now perceived and practiced. […]

Curing Respiratory Disorders through Yogic Science

My last blog was titled “Just Breathe!”. It was written from the yogic perspective of curing and healing our body with conscious breathing, hope you all took a moment to unravel poetic thoughts. In Yogic Science, there are a plethora of breathing techniques categorized under Pranayama. To set the context, in Gitananda Yoga tradition, Swami […]