Weeds of Life
In life as we try to evolveThe seeds we sow grow into plantsAlong the plants grow the weeds The weeds of doubtsThe weeds of fearsThe weeds of obstructionThe weeds of destruction In life as we try to evolveThe seeds we sow grow into plantsAlong the plants grow the weeds Don’t get deterred by such weedsDon’t get fettered by […]
The Train To A Better World…

Excusé moi monsieur, le train pour un monde meilleur..? I recently found this picture question shared by a friend on FB. Written in the French language with a background picture of a small child holding his little luggage and a tall station master on a Railway platform. The question: Excuse me sir, the train for a better […]
Just Breathe!
When in doubt just breathe When in fear just breathe When in anger just breathe When in anguish just breathe When life looks uncertain When paths turn hazy When hands begin to quiver When dreams turn crazy Take a moment Take a while Close your eyes Just breathe When in light just breathe When in […]
SUCCESS – A realistic dream
We are creating history each passing day. The quest to acquire success doesn’t even let us sleep. But can we really grab success. How far is it? How much time will it take? How many more days, months or years? And when it will finally arrive, will I be able to identify it? Will I […]
Ocean of Islands
A ship floating through the ocean of life traversing across multitudes of islands Each island unique, dynamic and distinct enacting an unprecedented living story An exclusive story of experiences, perspectives and opinions defining the core of each personality The ship moves from island to island around the ocean of shifting islands Clouds of memories sailing […]
Half Gone – Half Left
We are in mid of it We all have been flowing along together There is something on the other side never letting us stop There is a push from one end and a pull towards the other Jumping from one boat to another, in search of a distant land Juggling in-between skys and lands, trying […]
What non-Muslims should know about Ramadan…
Comes the month of Ramadan, the city of Hyderabad turns lively and cheerful throughout the day and night. Yes, this special month when people are most active during night, turns the streets of Old Hyderabad into an overwhelmingly vivacious and spiritual destination. Colours, lights, food (read Biryani & Haleem), shopping, sweets, prayers and hugs are […]