Honored and Blessed To Receive The Prestigious

Chikitsa Seva Ratan Award 2019

For Yoga Therapy and Naturopathy

In an event organized on 21 July 2019 in New Delhi, Medical professionals including Doctors and Therapists from various fields were honoured for their contribution to society. The ceremony held at Gandhi Peace Foundation, Delhi.

101 Medicinal professionals from various fields of Allopathy, Homeopathy, Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yagyopathy, etc were recognised for their unparalleled contribution towards welfare of others.

Award Ceremony Coverage in DD National News Channel


Blessed and Honoured to receive this prestigious award from Government of India: Medical Cell BJP IMA AYUSH.

It has been a transforming journey since I have been on the path of Self Exploration through Yoga. “Seva” (selfless service) is the core philosophy of Yogic Science. Getting recognized for your endeavors is indeed a blessing.

Thanks to my parents Hema Upreti and Mahesh Upreti for their motivating support.🌺

Thanks to my spiritual guru Yogmaharishi Swami Dr. Gitananda Giri who initiated me to universal teachings of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga.🏵️
My guru Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani has been true inspiration for me. From Doing Yoga to “Being Yoga”. Six months of Yoga Teacher Training Course with Ammaji, Dr. Ananda & Family at ICYER Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry. This is where the seeds were first sown for my Yogic journey. A strong foundation for a stronger life. 🏋️‍♂️💪
Thanks to AWGP team working hard in spreading Vedic Teachings of Gurudev Shri Ram Sharma Acharya. Adding value to lives of millions of people worldwide.🌍
I am thankful to Dr. BK Chandra Shekhar for teaching me the science of Psycho Neurobics and giving me the opportunity to work as Secretary for his NGO.🌻
It was an opportunity to work closely with patients suffering from life thereatening diseases like Cancer, COPD, Nerve Disorders, etc. Adopting various alternative healing therapies to help people heal. Everyday has been an intense practical learning.🌹
Certification from Himalayan Mountaineering Institite (HMI), Darjeeling added adventure and opportunities to explore Nature Therapy and Nature Treks.🗻🏃‍♂️
Under the blessings of Brahma Baba, I could collaborate with BK centers and offer Therapeutic services to masses. A divine opportunity to explore Rajyog Meditation.🌸
I am thankful to all divine associations and collaborations with various institutes and people who have helped me evolve into a better humane being. Each person is special and has unique contributions.😀
And the adventurous journey of exploration and service continues…
Love & Gratitude,
Sumit Upreti 
“There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality.”

Memories Of The Day